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cracking the game....

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

About a year ago, I took up weekly tennis lessons. Always striving to get the best of anything I do, I was quite committed to building up the skills to a point where I can compete with seasoned players.

However, after about 10 months of my coach shouting....

‘madam, come on you can do this!’ and...

‘eyes on the ball, eyes on the ball, what are you doing?!

I paused to reflect on the difficulty of ‘cracking the game’ like really, how hard can it be to run after those little balls and hit them over the net. Like really!

So last weekend, I decided to play with my glasses on (I am short-sighted even though I don’t really like wearing my glasses).

The difference was palpable! All balls hit target! No sea of missed balls on my side of the net!

It was like I advanced months over a single week and my coach was in heaven!

So what changed? Simple. My vision. Apparently, I thought I could see the ball but the results (sea of missed balls) indicated otherwise.

Once I put on my glasses, I could see the ball so clearly and aim accurately! I actually did not realize what I was missing until I was on the other side (winning side). It was like A B C.

Now, I want you to assess the performance of your bids and tenders over the past year.

Have you been responding to tender opportunities without success? Are your bids missing the target – win contracts?

Maybe like me, you 'think you can see' and are presenting your tenders the best way you know to. What are the results you have been getting?

Perhaps, like me; you need to get a pair of glasses and up your game.

I got the perfect pair made just for you – my flagship online course, HOW TO WIN OIL & GAS CONTRACTS

The course title says it all but if you need more information, get details here.

Don’t delay, the exhilarating feeling of ‘cracking a game’ is best experienced for yourself.

PS: seasoned tennis players, I got my eyes on you.. watch this space!


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