Some days in procurement go smoothly, then there are days that test everything you know. This is the story of one such day.
A few years ago, I was leading a major procurement project with tight deadlines and high expectations.
Everything seemed to be on track until I received a call that made my stomach drop, the delivery we were expecting wasn’t coming. The supplier had missed a critical step, and now we were stuck with no backup plan.

Panic wasn’t an option, so I took a deep breath and went into problem-solving mode. First, I called the supplier to get the full picture. Turns out, a documentation issue had delayed customs clearance.
Next, I looped in my internal team, explained the situation, and together, we explored alternatives.

Instead of pointing fingers, we focused on solutions. We expedited an alternative shipment, adjusted our project timeline and worked closely with the supplier to prevent this from happening again. It wasn’t easy, but we recovered, and the lesson stuck with me.
Lessons Learned:
1. Stay Calm Under Pressure: Problems will happen, but how you respond makes all the difference.
2. Communication is Key: Keeping all stakeholders informed prevents small issues from escalating.
3. Always Have a Contingency Plan: Hope for the best and stay prepared for the unexpected.
That day could have been a disaster, but it turned into one of my greatest learning experiences. Have you ever faced a procurement blunder? How did you recover? Let’s talk in the comments!
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