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What Companies Wont Tell You About Your Bid/Tender (Part 2 of 3)

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

Lets delve right in to part 2 of ‘Things Companies wont tell you about your Bid/Tender’

‘I am not convinced that you have staff with the right technical skills for this project.’

Say what? But you chose your outstanding personnel to work on this project! And they have experience relevant to the work.

Hold that thought. Lets probe further…

‘I looked at CVs of the key technical personnel you included in your tender but I do not see how they qualify for my project. 

Due to personnel failings during the last campaign, we encountered delays which put the rig and other services on standby with huge associated costs.

I must not make the same mistake. However, there is so much redundant information in the CVs that I can't find what I need to know. I am not interested in personnel education and all the wonderful experience they have that is not relevant to my project.’

Now, don’t underrate the importance of CVs in a bid/tender document, particularly for technical projects. 

These CVs represent the people who will be directly involved in the client’s work, hence tend to attract significant attention from the evaluators. Clients want to work with people who need minimal/no supervision. 

Yes, you may have the right personnel; carefully selected by you for this project. But don’t just attach the CVs as received from nominated personnel. Ensure it communicates the reason(s) the personnel was selected.

It does help if the client is already familiar with personnel based on previous work they may have done on the client’s other projects. However, where the personnel are unfamiliar to the client, more work should be done on the CVs before roll-out.

CVs should be presented in a way that conveys exactly what the client needs to know such that it creates a feeling of comfort and desire to work with the nominated personnel. 

Now, take a look at the last unsuccessful tender you submitted and check the relevance of the CVs that were included.  

Do share your experiences…

Stay tuned for Part 3; it's quite a surprising one! 

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