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When the Electronic Bid Portal Goes AWOL!

Picture this.....

You have been working on a high value technical bid for the past three weeks; quite a voluminous bid package.

24 hours to the deadline, you log on to the electronic bid portal where your bid is to be submitted.

You upload three of your sixteen bid folders and GBAM!

Blank screen!

The portal goes AWOL! You keep re-trying without success... time is running out and the deadline is fast approaching. What do you do? Is this a familiar scenario?

Read on for a quick effective tip to handle such situations...

When you are responding to a Nigerian oil & gas tender opportunity, you are quite likely to be requested to upload your bid on the industry bid portal - NipeX. This portal is used to publish high value opportunities, receive bids from registered bidders and complete evaluations. Pretty much the entire tender process is completed through the NipeX portal.

Such opportunities tend to include hundreds of bidders and most log on within the last 24 - 36 hours prior to bid deadline, to upload their bid submissions.

Problem is that such large traffic may 'hang' the system, making it difficult to achieve a 'successful' bid upload into the portal.

So what do you do? Of course the best advice is to upload your bid early, at least three days before the deadline. This allows enough time to resolve any technical issues and complete the upload successfully.

But if that is not feasible, try uploading your bid into the portal at night, which is usually when the site traffic eases out. Fewer bidders will be logged in at night, making it easier to complete your bid upload successfully.

Is this helpful? Please share your experience uploading bids into NipeX portal or any other electronic bid portal.

For an in-depth study on how to bid successfully, check out available courses in the Academy

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